Held at the chapel, a chance to dwell in God’s presence. Pastries and teas/coffees from…
Update: Carols by candlelight
We are going to be going ahead with our Carols by candlelight service on the 19th December at 4.00pm. This is in the midst of the developing situation with regards the Covid pandemic, so there are a few things we would like to remind you about.
Face coverings will need to be worn for the duration of the service, unless you have a medical exemption.
We would ask that you take a lateral flow Covid test before attending in person, these are freely available from the NHS and recommended before joining any social gathering.
If you have any Covid symptoms, been in recent close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid or had a positive Covid test result then please follow the government rules for such situations.
We will be livestreaming the Carols by candlelight service on our YouTube channel, the link for joining it is https://youtu.be/V7Ucav3UqXc