Saturday 23rd November - 10.00am to 12.00noon
Weekly prayer services
You may have seen that some church buildings are opening up for personal prayer. At the moment the restrictions mean that we will not be opening the chapel just yet (but St Michael’s is open for personal prayer if you are looking for somewhere in the village).
We will, however, be starting additional online prayer services next week. The plan is for Morning prayer on a Monday morning, Midday prayer on a Wednesday and Compline (night prayer) on a Friday evening. Each of the prayer services will be 10-15 minutes long and will be on Facebook live (you don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch) and then a recorded version will be uploaded to our YouTube channel after the service finishes. Like the church’s Facebook page to be notified when the services go live and subscribe to the YouTube channel to not miss anything there.
Monday, 7.30am – Morning Prayers,
Wednesday 12.00noon – Midday Prayers,
Friday, 9.30pm – Compline (Night prayers)